Dutch-Bangla Bank Probetionary Officer Written Math Question 2016

Dutch-Bangla Bank Probetionary Officer Written Math Question 2016

  1. Abul and balam ran at their respective constant rates ,a race of 480m.in the first heat,abul gives balam a head start of 48 m and beats him by 1/10th of a minute.in the second heat abul gives balam a head start of 144m and is beaten by 1/30th of a minute.what is balam's speed in m/s?
  2.  20 liter mixture of milk and water contains milk and water in the ratio 3:2.10 liters of the mixture is removed and replaced with pure milk and the operation is repeated once more. at the end of the two removal and replacement,what is the ratio of milk and water in the resultant mixture?