Banking industry in Bangladesh 2016

         After the independence, banking industry in Bangladesh started its journey with 6 Nationalized commercialized banks, 2 State owned Specialized banks and 3 Foreign Banks. In the 1980's banking industry achieved significant expansion with the entrance of private banks. Now, banks in Bangladesh are primarily of two types:Scheduled Banks: The banks which get license to operate under Bank Company Act, 1991 (Amended in 2003) are termed as Scheduled Banks.
    Non-Scheduled Banks: The banks which are established for special and definite objective and operate under the acts that are enacted for meeting up those objectives, are termed as Non-Scheduled Banks. These banks cannot perform all functions of scheduled banks.There are 56 scheduled banks in Bangladesh who operate under full control and supervision of Bangladesh Bank which is empowered to do so through Bangladesh Bank Order, 1972 and Bank Company Act, 1991. Scheduled Banks are classified into following types:
    State Owned Commercial Banks (SOCBs): There are 6 SOCBs which are fully or majorly owned by the Government of Bangladesh.
    Specialized Banks (SDBs): 2 specialized banks are now operating which were established for specific objectives like agricultural or industrial development. These banks are also fully or majorly owned by the Government of Bangladesh.
    Private Commercial Banks (PCBs): There are 39 private commercial banks which are majorly owned by the private entities. PCBs can be categorized into two groups:
    Conventional PCBs: 31 conventional PCBs are now operating in the industry. They perform the banking functions in conventional fashion i.e interest based operations.
    Islami Shariah based PCBs: There are 8 Islami Shariah based PCBs in Bangladesh and they execute banking activities according to Islami Shariah based principles i.e. Profit-Loss Sharing (PLS) mode.
    Foreign Commercial Banks (FCBs): 9 FCBs are operating in Bangladesh as the branches of the banks which are incorporated in abroad.

Total Bank =Scheduled 56 +Non-Scheduled 4+ Prospective 3.

4 State Owned Commercial Banks (SOCBs)
   1. Agrani Bank Limited [1972]  1st generation
   2. Janata Bank Limited [1972] 1st generation
   3. Rupali Bank Limited[1972] 1st generation
   4. Sonali Bank Limited[1972] 1st generation
   5. Bangladesh Development Bank Limited (3 January 2010) (1st or 3rd Generation)
   6. BASIC Bank Limited (21 January 1989) 1st generation

2 Specialized Banks (SDBs)  Scheduled
   1. Bangladesh Krishi Bank (1961, Specialized in 1973) 1st generation
   2. Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank (15 March 1987) 1st generation

35 Private Commercial banks including 8 islami :
   1. AB Bank Limited (12 April 1982) 1st Generation
   2. Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited (16 September 1999) 3rd generation
   3. Bank Asia Limited (27 November 1999)3rd generation
   4. BRAC Bank Limited (04 July 2001) 3RD GENERANTION
   5. Dhaka Bank Limited (05 July 1995) 2nd generation
   6. Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited ( 3 June 1996) 2nd generation
   7. Eastern Bank Limited (August 1992) 2nd generation
   8. IFIC Bank Limited [1976 (full bank 1983)] 1st Generation
   9. Jamuna Bank Limited (3 june 2001) 3rd generation
   10. Mercantile Bank Limited ( 2 june 1999)3rd generation
   11. Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited (27 September 1995)2nd generation
   12. Mutual Trust Bank Limited (24 October 1999) 3rd generation
   13. National Bank Limited ( 23 March 1983) 1st Generation
   14. National Credit & Commerce Bank Limited ( 17 May 1993) 2nd generation
   15. First Security Islami Bank Limited  (25 October 1999) 3rd generation
   16. One Bank Limited (July 1999) 3rd generation
   17. Premier Bank Limited (26 October 1999) 3rd generation
   18. Prime Bank Limited (17 April 1995)2nd generation
   19. Pubali Bank Limited (1959, Nationalized 1972, Privatization 1983)1st Generation
   20. Social Islami Bank Limited (1995)2nd generation
   21. Southeast Bank Limited (12 March 1995)2nd generation
   22.  Standard Bank Limited (1999) 3rd generation
   23. The City Bank Limited ( 27 March 1983) 1st Generation
   24. Trust Bank Limited (29 November 1999) 3rd generation
   25. United Commercial Bank Limited (29 June 1983) 1st Generation
   26. Uttara Bank Limited (1965 , Nationalized 1972, Privatization 1983) 1st Generation
   27. Meghna Bank Limited (New) 4Th generation
   28. Midland Bank Limited (New) 4Th generation
   29. NRB Commercial Bank Limited (New)4Th generation
   30. South Bangla Agriculture & Commerce Bank Limited (New) 4Th generation
   31. ICB Islamic Bank Limited (20 May 1987) 1st Generation
   32. EXIM Bank Limited (3 August 1999) 3rd generation
   33. Shahjalal Bank Limited (10 May 2001) 3rd  generation
   34. Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (13 March 1983) 1st Generation
   35. Union Bank Limited(New)4Th generation
   36. Modhumoti Bank Limited(New)4Th generation
   37. Farmers Bank Limited(New)4Th generation
   38. NRB (Global) Bank Limited (New) 4Th generation
   39. NRB Bank (New)  4Th generation
   40. Simanto Bank Limited (proposed)

8 Islami Banks

   1. Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited
   2. First Security Islami Bank Limited
   3. Social Islami Bank Limited
   4. ICB Islamic Bank Limited
   5. EXIM Bank Limited 6. Shahjalal Bank Limited
   7. Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited
   8. Union Bank Limited

9 Foreign Commercial Banks (FCBs):
   1. Citibank N.A
   2. Commercial Bank of Ceylon Limited
   3. National Bank of Pakistan
   4. Standard Chartered Bank
   5. State Bank of India
   6. The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Limited
   7. Woori Bank
   8. Bank Al-Falah Limited
   9. Habib Bank Limited

4 Non-Scheduled banks
   1. Ansar VDP Unnayan Bank,
   2. Karmashangosthan Bank,
   3. Probashi Kallyan Bank,
   4. Jubilee Bank
   5. somobay bank, [Proposed ]6. polly shanchay bank[Proposed ]

PROPOSED:1. somobay bank, [Proposed ]2. polly shanchay bank[Proposed ] 3. Simanto Bank Limited (proposed)   ===================================generation :1st : before 19912nd : After 1991  to before 19993rd: 1999- 2010 4th : 2011- present